DIY Roof Replacement for Your Home

DIY Roof Replacement for Your Home

The roof is one of the most integral parts of your home. It’s constantly exposed to the elements, as well as wildlife such as birds and squirrels, and it’s something which must constantly be maintained if you wish to keep your home secure and dry. 

No matter how great your roof’s condition is, eventually there will come a time where your roof needs repairing or replacing. Repairing or replacing the roof is a fairly big task, especially if you decide to tackle the work yourself. As with anything, however, the secret to success lies in the prep. 

Fail to properly prepare before you undertake a roof replacement, and you’ll find yourself in a world of trouble. If you are thinking of undertaking a DIY roof replacement for your home, here are some handy tips for carrying out the fix, and preparing for a new roof. 

Prioritize Safety

First and foremost, when it comes to a DIY roof replacement for your home, if you are deciding to undertake the roof replacement yourself, safety is paramount. 

Before you even consider climbing the ladders to take a look at the roof, the first thing you need to do is purchase the necessary safety equipment. You’ll want safe and secure ladders, as well as a fall protection kit. These kits come with equipment such as harnesses, grappling hooks, and ropes, and cost very little. 

As well as that, you’ll need to make sure you wear gloves, knee pads, a hard hat, eye protection, and elbow pads. To protect the rest of your roof, and to make sure you don’t damage any roofing or shingles you’ve laid down, make sure you wear rubber soled shoes as well. 

Rent a Dumpster for the Old Roofing

Before you can begin fitting the new roofing, or carrying out any kind of repairs, you’re going to need to make sure you can dispose of the old roofing. 

There will be a vast amount of roofing removed and as the homeowner you’re responsible for removing it properly. This is where a large dumpster will prove so useful. 

To save you having to load up your vehicle and make several trips to the dump with the old roofing, you can simply throw it directly into the dumpster from up on the roof, and have it removed professionally once the new roof has been fitted. 

Fit the Underlay

Once you’ve removed the old roofing and any rotten wood or beams, before you begin fitting the new roofing you should fit new underlay. 

No matter how good the underlay may look, chances are it will be damaged and compromised, especially if the roof was. 

Underlay fits underneath the roofing and helps to provide protection from the elements. Water will always find a way into your home if it isn’t watertight, and rain will always manage to leak through even the tiniest of holes. 

Self-adhesive waterproof underlay provides a layer of protection from rain, snow, and ice. It also helps to add a layer of insulation to your home and prevents warm air from escaping, and cold air from seeping in. 

Clear the Area Below

Once you’re ready to begin carrying out the DIY roof replacement for your home, you should ensure that the surrounding area, especially the area below, has been cleared. 

Once up on the roof you’ll be throwing old roof shingles, wooden beams, nails, and other materials down into the dumpster below. Needless to say, this is very dangerous so you should ensure that any pets and children are kept well out of the way, to avoid the risk of injury. 

As well as removing pets, children, and people from the vicinity, you should also remove any garden furniture, ornaments, or vehicles. Again, the last thing you want is a heavy piece of wood, or a pile of roof tiles or shingles to fall from the roof, crashing to the floor below and landing on your car or expensive garden ornaments or furniture. 

Cut your Grass

Another useful tip when it comes to preparing for a DIY roof replacement for your home is to cut the grass before the work begins. 

When you’re removing old roofing, there will be all kinds of materials, tools, and debris crashing to the ground below. These can pose a significant risk of injury, especially if your grass is long. The last thing you want is for you or a member of your family to tread on a sharp roof shingle or nail because it was hidden in thick, overgrown grass. 

By cutting your grass nice and short, it makes it much easier to spot any loose debris that has fallen from the roof and landed on your lawn. Not only that, but freshly cut grass also looks more aesthetic, so once you’ve fitted your nice new roof you’ll have a nice neat lawn to match. 

Gather the Right Tools and Equipment

As well as safety equipment, you’re also going to need to ensure you have the right tools and equipment before you begin fitting your new roof. 

You’ll need things such as a broom, a caulking gun, hammer, nails, drill, power source, circular saw, pry bar, a roofing nailer with air hose and compressor, a stapler, a tape measure, utility knife, and plenty more besides. 

Hire Professional Roofers

Unless you are confident in your own abilities, it’s always worth hiring the professionals and letting them handle large projects such as a roof replacement. 

A DIY roof replacement for your home is dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing, and is also a fairly large job. If you make a mistake, you leave your home vulnerable to the elements, as well as pests and wildlife. Not only that, but if you do make a mistake it’s going to cost you even more to put it right. 

The best way to guarantee a professional finish is to hire professional roofers and let them do the job for you, unless you are qualified and capable of doing the work yourself that is. 

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