roofing projects Archives - Page 3 of 17 - Preventive Maintenance

Category Archives: roofing projects

Roof Replacement or Repair

I am frequently asked by customers if I think its time for them to have a roof replacement. My answer is always the same. Its time for a new roof when you are tired of paying for repairs. It really is that simple. You can read my blog about "do I need a new roof?"…
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Roof Leak: 5 Tips to Prevent Roof Leak

Roof leak in your house? The last thing you want to think about this season is your roof. It’s generally reliable so in the event that a leak is noticed, it’s difficult to imagine what the next steps are. Your first thoughts may be surrounding cost, which is standard. Because it’s unlikely that you have…
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Roofing System to Save Money

Roofing System to Save Money Depending on where you may live, the needs of the roofing system will vary. Because of the environmental elements in different geographical regions, your roof may be more exposed to severe weather than those in different climates. Because of this, you may have fewer resources that are readily available. Based…
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How to Clean and Maintain Your Roof

How to Clean and Maintain Your Roof? Roof cleaning is an integral part of maintaining a functioning home. Unanimously, roofing contractors agree that maintenance of the roof will extend the overall life of the home. By removing debris, and ensuring that the top of your home is not compiling leaves and water, you can have…
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