roofing projects Archives - Preventive Maintenance

Category Archives: roofing projects

DIY Roof Replacement for Your Home

The roof is one of the most integral parts of your home. It’s constantly exposed to the elements, as well as wildlife such as birds and squirrels, and it’s something which must constantly be maintained if you wish to keep your home secure and dry.  No matter how great your roof’s condition is, eventually there…
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How to Convert a Garage to a Bedroom

Do you have a garage that you don’t currently use for anything other than storing old tools and bits of junk? If so, why not take the damp, dark, dusty space and convert it into a bright, fresh, vibrant living space or bedroom? There are plenty of reasons why people need extra bedrooms at home,…
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What is a Four-Season Sunroom?

During the warmer summer months, there’s nothing better than sitting outdoors, a cool drink in one hand, and a good book in the other, as you relax, take in the views, and let the sun’s rays warm your bones.  As wonderful as sitting outdoors can be, the main downside is the fact that, for many…
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Solarium Rooms vs Sunrooms – What are the Differences?

If you happen to particularly enjoy basking in the rays of the sun during the summer (safely of course) the fall and winter months likely won’t be your favorite seasons. During the colder, darker months of the year, sunshine is limited and when the sun does decide to make an appearance, it’s usually far too…
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