Building Archives - Page 8 of 11 - Preventive Maintenance

Category Archives: Building

Stucco Installation and Repair Cost

Stucco Install and Repair Cost Stucco repair including wood and wire lath $850 per 100 square feet There are many alternatives for home siding, being stucco siding one of the most versatile and durable options. There are different types of stucco as well (such as acrylic or synthetic), and they have different installation methods. This siding generally can…
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Chimney Repair Cost

Chimney Repair Cost - Cap and spark arrestor $850.00 A chimney is a vertical tube designed to draw combustion products (smoke and gasses) from an appliance like a woodstove or fireplace to the atmosphere outside the house. Having chimney features at home means needs for constant maintenance and occasional repairs. In order to conduct this,…
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Stamped Concrete Cost

A great way to make the backyard more attractive and add extra leisure space is by laying a stamped concrete patio. One of the stamped concrete purposes are the appearances more attractive like many other paver materials, such as natural stone, ashlar, granite, or brick and get the look with an affordable alternative, and looks…
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Parking Lot Resurfacing

Hiring a рrоfеѕѕiоnаl раving соmраnу to rеѕurfасе, rе-ѕеаl оr rе-ѕtriре your facilities parking lоt mаkеѕ gооd finаnсiаl ѕеnѕе. Nоt only will you bе аѕѕurеd thаt thе mаtеriаlѕ uѕеd аrе оf thе highеѕt ԛuаlitу and thаt thе jоb is соmрlеtеd tо your rеԛuirеmеntѕ, but аlѕо that уоu аrе in соmрliаnсе with local раrking lоt соdеѕ and…
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